Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fun times!

I am so excited!!  I just booked my trip to Utah to go back and see my girlfriends from High School.  I've been wanting to go back for a while, but it seems like there's never been an ideal time to go.  But I figure that I should go while Roo is in training, and I only have one child to lug around.  My Mom is being kind enough to meet me there so that she can watch Ryan while us girls go out...I'm just hoping that I don't have an 8:00 curfew still, because that would just be awkward.

In other exciting news...I finally talked Roo into giving me the amount of money from the tax refund that I was hoping to get.  I had to tell him that he could get the same amount also for him to finally go for it.  Last night we both opened new accounts for our money and allowance to go into.  While I'm super excited about this...I just wish that I would have waited a few more weeks to bring it up again.  Mainly because he said that I could pay for my Utah trip from my account.  Yay!

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