Thursday, September 30, 2010

Boise part 2

Nikki did a great job at decorating for fall, so we decided to take advantage for a photo op.

One of the restuarants that we went to had a fish tank, and Grandpa and Ryan had a fun time looking at all of the fish

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Snot bubbles

Probably only first time parents would think that this was cute, but I thought that Andrew might appreciate it!! Ryan has had a runny nose for the past couple of days, and when he sneezes it really comes out.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Roo's bachelor pad

I tried to get Roo to add to the blog, but didn't have much luck, so these are the pictures that I have so far. Maybe he'll put up some more current ones. From what I can tell there is plenty of room, so if anybody wants to visit us we'd love to have you!

the kitchen


master bedroom

dining area

spare room


Yesterday we had a good day. Ryan woke up happy, which always makes the day go by smoother. The sun was out so we went for a long walk, though I think that I'll have to stop taking him out on walks for a little bit...he's coming down with his first cold. Then I went to the Cannery with my dad to can for their ward and finished the night with dessert from McDonalds.

His morning stretch

So handsome

Us at the beginning of our walk...don't mind the pink blanket

He is such a good baby. I checked on him about 30 minutes into our walk and I found his hat like this...he wasn't even fussing or anything, just looking out of one eye!

One nice thing about getting out and walking places is that you find neat things that you wouldn't notice if you were driving by. I think that Andrew is the only one who won't find this morbid, but on the way to the golf course there is a pet cemetery, and this is on the fence. He always says that our dearly departed cat Betsy is in a field somewhere chasing butterflies!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last week we had a really fun time. Monday we went and watched my parents bowling league (Ryan was a big hit), Tuesday we showed him off at Yoga-where after 1 stretch I felt like I pulled my hamstring, Saturday we went to a wedding reception, and today we went to a baptism after church. The ladies in my parents Korean branch L-O-V-E Ryan. He is the only baby that they have at the moment, and they all think that he is just so perfect. My mom said someone said today, "he's not a baby, he's an angel". I've heard a couple of people say that he looks like a Japanese Buddha baby -- sorry honey, I think that means he looks pretty Asian. Today in the 3 hour block of church, he probably got held by at least 10 different people, and let me just say, he's going to be quite the ladies man!

After comparing mine and my moms' birthday cards, I realized that people think we are cat ladies.

This is how Ryan finished the last 1/4 mile of our walk...being carried. In all fairness to my Mom, I think that Andrew would have done the same thing (instead of letting Ryan cry in the stroller)

Buddy cleaning Ryans' ears.

Ryan hasn't rolled over yet, but he does occasionally roll on one side.

He has started to move a little more in his walker...and try to eat it.

Andrew made me promise to give Ryan a bath at least every other day. On days that I don't, I just sic Buddy on him.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Spoiled baby

A few nights ago I laid Ryan down for sleep; he was a little fussy so I decided that I'd watch some t.v. and then check on him in a little bit. I came up about 30 minutes later and stood outside the door, I didn't hear anything so I was pretty excited but figured that I better check on him anyways. I came in and found the Pack 'n play empty and Ryan sitting on my mom's lap watching her play Solitaire on the computer!

I guess that's what grandparents are for!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

getting so big. Most of the clothes we put him in now are 6 months; we just have to roll up the sleeves

Ryan in the walker...we still have to put a blanket in it to prop him up.

So cute when he sleeps!

The aftermath of sweet potatoes. He really enjoyed them and ate the whole jar.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Daily Walk

So far I've been doing well at sticking to exercising at least 30 minutes a day. I'm kind-of thankful that I don't have a car, or else I'd be walking less and shopping more. Ryan has been a good sport at coming with me (yes, he is still in his pajamas---hey, he's a baby!)

Us before the walk...doesn't look too enthused.

Smiling for the camera

In a daze-he was fighting sleep

Sleep won. The beanie was originally supposed to keep his ears warm, but I guess he was bouncing around too much.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random pics

Blue, our cat that we gave to my parents. It seems like he's forgiven me...they are still getting used to the idea.

Blue enjoying the sun.

My mom wanted proof that she actually got me a cake that has frosting all the way around. I'd never had a Red Velvet cake before, but I think that it's my new favorite. Well done Costco.

In the back ground is a big container of Kimchi that my mom made for me...delicious!

Ryan before church. Even though he was dressed in a new outfit he wasn't really feelin' it.

Everyone was really impressed by him though and they said that was so handsome! Many people came up to me and said that he looks like his dad and that he looks really smart...I don't know what that says about me!

More squid

I tried telling Andrew that Ryan really enjoys sucking on squid. He said that if I gave him a sucker he'd enjoy sucking on that too...and that Ryan probably smells nasty afterwords. I figure there's worse ways that we could entertain him.

p.s. in this video I didn't try to rub it all over his face, but I was concentrating on recording.

Sunday walk

We decided to go for a walk around the golf course before we went to church, it was kind-of chilly so we decided to bundle Ryan up.

And for the people who are going to hold me accountable for my working out goal, I figure that each walk we do is an hour, so that should cover me for 2 days!

Ryan with Grandma

Proud Grandpa. We had to switch off pushing the stroller up the was tough!

Beautiful views from the path. They're going to have the 2015 US Open here. I guess it's $110 to play 18 holes of golf!

Ryan after the'd think he was the one doing the walking!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pictures so far

I made it!! I was really stressed about traveling with Ryan by myself, but I am glad to say that 10 1/2 hours, 3 flights, and who knows how many miles later...we made it.

Ryan did really well until the end of our last flight, but fortunately I was sitting behind a really nice older couple who asked if I wanted them to hold him. I could just imagine me falling asleep and waking up and them being gone with Ryan (Andrew would KILL me), but by that point I couldn't feel my arms from holding him for so long so I passed him off. Luckily they didn't try to steal him, in fact they were great with him and were able to put him to sleep.

My parents did a great job at going to all of the local yard sales and stocking up on necessities for the trip. They picked up this great walker. He's moved about an inch, but I'm sure soon he'll be moving much more.

Today we went to a Korean Festival in Seattle. We missed the traditional music and dancing, but we were able to make it for the 4 hours they had dedicated to Kimchi (I'm not exaggerating). We were able to make some and bring it home, so I'll keep you updated in a few days on how it tastes.

Ryan at the festival. It was amazing how he just blended in with the other Koreans.

Ryan and Grandpa

Us enjoying the talk on Kimchi

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Picture comparisons

I've been told that Ryan has my eyes, and everything else looks like Andrew. He can't see the resemblance, and doesn't believe me when I tell him that people say they look alike...maybe he just has the best from both of us!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This is what happens when I'm bored..

As you can probably tell, I think that I am HILARIOUS-though I'm not sure that Ryan would agree.

Actin' a little Gangsta. (This is the beanie that we got in the hospital, obviously it's a little snug now.)

For some reason I think that these pictures make him look even more Asian.

I can't tell if he looks like more George Washington or Andrew in High School with the long hair parted in the middle.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm not really expecting anyone to be too interested in my daily habits, but I'm hoping that if I actually put some goals in writing (this will have to be close enough) that I will actually stick to them.

My first goal is that I am going to read the Book of Mormon in 90 days. This is about the 60th time that I've started 1st Nephi...literally. So far I've done well for 3 days. It's really important to me that I teach Ryan good examples, and I know that if I'm not in a habit of daily scripture study it's going to be extremely difficult to teach him.

The next goal is get in shape (stop rolling your eyes mom!). I am so grateful to have a wonderful husband who loves me no matter what, but have you seen him? He's GORGEOUS!! I am tempted to insert a shirtless picture of him, but he'd kill me. He was heard me say about a million times that I'm going to start working out/eating healthy tomorrow, and here's a million and one...I really am going to do it-tomorrow (hey, I did park at the end of the Wal-Mart parking lot you know how big the Wal-Mark parking lot is? That should count for something).
So starting tomorrow I am going to eat healthy and exercise at least 30 minutes a day. There, it's on the internet, now I have to do it.

4 months

I can't believe that Ryan is 4 months already! Everyone warned us that it would go by fast, but this is crazy! People always say that once you have kids you don't remember what you life was like before, and I agree to a certain extent. It feels like he's always been a part of our family, but I do miss not having to take the whole house with us when we just run to the store, and I faintly remember the days of sleeping in!

I tried putting him in the jacket that Uncle Sean/Aunt Amy got him (it says 3 -6 months), but it's still a bit too big

He was trying to figure out what was going on

I think that he misses daddy doing diaper changes...I know that I sure do

He's not too sure about what is going on.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


This video has absolutely nothing to do with Ryan, in fact I have no idea who this girl is; but this is what happens when I can't sleep and start looking at YouTube.

I posted this video solely because Andrew loves stumping people on what the longest word is in the English language. It's something that his dad taught him, and I'm sure that he's looking forward to passing on that information to Ryan.

By the way, for all of those you don't know what it means, it's a coal miners disease.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Video overload

Sorry for the multitude of videos, but I figure that I better put them all up while Ryan is a sleep!

Ryan laying on his mat. Besides the swing it's the second best place to put him

He is definitely sucking his thumb more. Even though I don't want him to get into the habit of doing that, it is kind-of nice when I'm changing his diaper in the middle of the night and it stops him from screaming.

Out of all of the foods that we've given him so far it seems like he likes Prunes with Apples best.

Showing off how strong his neck is and how much he can drool.

Friday foto: Alaskan Cruise

I am glad that there is photographic proof that the Grey family can spend a whole week together on a boat and have a GREAT time!! While some families might decide to go on a cruise somewhere warm where you can spend all day lying on the deck getting sun, we decided to go to Alaska. The scenery there was so beautiful, and we all have a wonderful time (we probably all gained about 10 pounds each, but it was well worth it).

I have to admit that I can't remember where these pictures were taken...sorry.

One of the stops in Sitka, AK

Us on the boat...lookin' good

Us at dinner. One of the nights was formal dress. I think we're a pretty good looking family!