Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Things that make me happy

I was thinking today about all of the things that I want to accomplish.  Normally my thought process is:  I will be happy when I lose X amount of weight; I will be happy when I finally finish school; I will be happy when I can finally manage my time better and keep my house clean.

I realized today that honestly those things might never happen, and I need to be happy now...because we never know what lies ahead of us.  So here are a couple of things that make me happy!!  Please don't judge me if most of them are food.

Candy corn!!  I just discovered a few years ago candy pumpkins...even more delicious!!  

And since I'm on the subject of candy corn, I'll throw out my all time favorite!!

I LOVE this show!!  I have to admit that it's the highlight of my Wednesday.  Unless I get to video chat with Roo of course.

I do not know what I would do without hair dye.  Needless to say, we have a love/hate relationship.  I hate the I have to dye my hair, but I'm so grateful that I can!

Of course Costco yogurt makes me happy, and it's fat free...Holla!!  Though I do have a fear that it will be like the "Seinfeld" episode, and I'll find out one day that it's not even remotely fat-free.  Until then though I'll just enjoy it.  I'm sure Costco will be one of our first stops in Utah.  

And of course...these guys make me VERY happy!!  I am so thankful that I get to spend a couple days out of the month with my baby's daddy...and all of my time with the best kid (I guess that I can't call him "baby" anymore!) in the world!!  I know that being a stay-at home Mom isn't the most glamorous job, but I'm thankful that we're in a position that I can be one.  And on those days that I'm not so thankful...I'll remember to come back and read this. 

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