Monday, April 4, 2011

Budget: take 2

As you might remember I tried doing a "cash only" budget a couple of months ago and was doing well...until we had to pay the guy to move our trailer, which took all of our cash and then some.  Then I just forgot about it.  When Roo was visiting last time we put together a new budget, and are both using the envelope method.  The envelopes that we have are:

  • Groceries (one for each of us...since we're apart)
  • Things for Ryan
  • Fun/Entertainment
  • Eating out (for Roo to go to the chow hall)
I'm thinking that I'm going to need another envelope for household items, because I don't see where toilet paper or toothpaste would come out of.  When we did our budget, after bills, savings, tithing, and envelopes, we had $42 left, so I think that's what I'll use for household items every month.  

I've done pretty well so far this paycheck (it's only been 4 days).  It's kind-of hard trying to save money when the room doesn't have a kitchen.  I ran out of cash 2 days ago (I don't have my debit card yet for my NEW checking account that my allowance goes in), and I didn't think that it'd be right to spend Ryan's money on me eating out, so I've been eating at Sams Club a lot.  We returned something and got a gift they have delicious pretzels, so it all works out.  

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, I hate our cash budget. :) It has been a good way to save money though!
