Friday, December 17, 2010

friday foto

I was looking thru some of our old pictures today to see which one I could post today (we don't have a huge selection on Andrew's laptop). I came across some pictures that we took while we were dating and during our first year of marriage. Unfortunately I spent too much time looking at them, and now I'm in a funk because looking at them you can see my unnatural skin tone (I LOVE tanning beds...but haven't been in about 4 years), my well manicured nails (haven't gotten my nails done in about 5 years), and a slimmer figure (hadn't had a baby or discovered chocolate Krispy Kreme doughnuts w/ sprinkles yet). So long story short, I'm posting a picture that I don't enjoy of myself (Andrew looks HOT as always though). Hopefully when I get back to Clovis and get back into a routine of exercising and catch up on some sleep...I'll be posting other pictures.

July of last year I was able to go to Andrew when he went to Las Vegas for work. It was my first time getting to ride in a KC-135, and so neat that I was able to get to watch him fly and even land the plane. He did an awesome job of course. It was nice to be able to lay down on a flight, even though you do have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. You could fall asleep in your sleeping bag totally freezing, and wake up with the heat blasting on you. We were able to meet up with Andrew's oldest brother Sean, who was also there for work, plus my mom was able to come out for a few days for her birthday. It was such a fun trip!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Andrew flying (at least I think it's him)

Andrew said that he'd be flying over the trailer this afternoon. I tried to wait outside to get more of it on video, but it's COLD out side. Every time that I thought I heard a plane flying over I would run outside, but would discover that it was just a big truck driving by (we only live about 40 feet away from a major highway). About the 10th time that I ran outside I saw a plane flying by. Sorry that it's a short video.


We've had a fun weekend. I went to a birthday party (giving Andrew some alone time to go Christmas shopping--for me!), we went to our ward Christmas party, and we even made it to an aquarium. Ever since we've been married Andrew has been trying to get me to go to an aquarium, but I've never really been excited to go. After seeing how much Ryan liked looking at the fish in Boise I thought that it would be fun to take him...the things that we do for our kids!!

He's getting more coordinated and is able to take off hats when I put them on. This time he had a little bit more trouble.

I bought him his first pair of shoes the other makes him seem so grown up. I think that he is so cute in this outfit...he looks like such a big boy.

We got a package from Grandma today with beef jerky in it. Obviously he's very happy!!

Ryan and I looking at some of the fish. They even had sharks in the tank.

Family shot.

My handsome boys

They had a tank where you can touch sea creatures. I tried touching a sting ray. For some reason I didn't think that it might swim away...and it really startled me. It's on the top left.

Us by some big fish.

Andrew being silly with an alligator. He then proceeded to stab himself on a tooth.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Our weekend

We had a fun weekend of hanging out with friends. The weather has gotten chilly so we've been trying to get out of the cold trailer and hang out with people who have heat!

Last night Andrew put lights up on the trailer

So festive

We borrowed a Bumpo from some friends which is great. Ryan much rather prefers sitting up than laying down, so this means I can get more updating this blog!

Last night Ryan was so tired at dinner that Andrew was able to put him to sleep on his shoulder...this is the first time that has happened.

Sunday we went to a tree lighting ceremony on base. We walked over with some friends--it was so cold! We borrowed one of their blankets and buried Ryan beneath it.

The boys waiting in line for hot chocolate and cookies.

Us freezing!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday foto: School pictures

For this Friday foto I thought that I'd post pictures of us when we were younger. I think that Andrew was adorable...I'm not so sure about how I feel about my hair (thanks Mom, I'm sure that it was one of your haircuts!). Andrew has always said that if we would have been in High School together that he would have talked to me (I personally think that he was WAY too cool for me).

Either way, I think that we make ADORABLE kids!!

We went to the mall yesterday and stopped by a Verizon kiosk where a worker said that Ryan looks like a "little midget old man" (I'll be more p.c. and say little person). We thought that it was SO funny. Maybe it's because he doesn't have much hair.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Alright! it goes...this is my first picture, Andrew Roo McLay! We went to the Air & Space Museum at Dulles Airport with Reed and Syndi Ryan and their kids. It was good to see them and keep in touch after all these years apart. We showed up exactly 1hr prior to the museums closing because at that time, and not a minute more, it's free parking! We saved ourselves $15/vehicle...nice! Anyway...on to the pictures...

A couple of the aircraft there. The B-29 Enola Gay that was the first airplane to drop an atomic bomb...F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (that they're still working on developing)...and the Shuttle Enterprise. The past, present, and future of aviation!
Me looking a little creepy...hee hee! And Ryan looks like an Arab.
Look at these kids...with kids! Crazy how just a little bit ago we were two High School troublemakers and look at us now...responsible adults!...sort of!
We drove out to DC so that I could show Angela around. This was our first stop, trying to spot Prez Obama and his 14 stiches he just got. Didn't see anything except for a bunch of Secret Service who were looking at us!
Hopefully Ryan will appreciate this picture when he's older...either that or hate me for having him out in the cold like that with no jacket.
Angela had to show off her Slurpee...she was so cold but had to drink it because she LOVES them. She's so beautiful!
And more pictures of the White House, the US Capital, and Lincoln Memorial. It was good to come back to DC and see the sites with my family!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanks/Family pictures

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I just want to start this post by saying how thankful I am for my family, and all of the many blessings that I have. I am so fortunate to be married to such a wonderful man. I've said it before, and I truly believe that I have so many blessings in my life because of my parents. Before Andy and I met our spouses and got married, my Mom and Dad would fast every week, and pray everyday that we would meet someone who would love us and bless our lives. Even though there were times when I wasn't living the best life that I could have been, I know that because of my parents faith and prayers I was blessed. I couldn't have married into a more wonderful family, and I am so excited as Ryan grows for him to get to have a ton of fun with his cousins. I know that I can speak for Andrew and say thanks for all of the love and support that has been shown to us!! We love you guys! O.k....sappy stuff over until next November.

A couple of weeks ago we went on base to take some family pictures by an Osprey. I was going to put off posting the pictures because I was planning on using them for a family Christmas card, but I figure that I will do my part to save the environment and just post them on the blog (plus we don't have our address book, sorry).

I think that the pictures turned out really well; I especially like the ones with Ryan and Andrew!

Us under the wing.

I think that this is my favorite family shot...I just wish that you could see more of the plane.

It was hard to get Ryan to focus on the camera. The poor photographer was trying so hard...I think that she did a great job though.

After the photo shoot Andrew was able to give me a tour of the plane, it was neat to see. I am so excited and proud of him for doing great in training!

The plane was right in front of a HUGE white building, that's why it looks like our eyes are closed.

Ryan loves being lifted in the air. I'm still too scared to throw him too high.

Am I a lucky lady or what?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This week

We've had a pretty quiet week so far, we did a couple more runs to Sams' Club (our new date spot) and went out to Olive Garden last night. We bought Ryan something that holds him more secure in a high chair, and he actually let us ate dinner in peace...we're just learning to eat a bit faster.

We are really excited to go to Virginia tomorrow; Andrew has a late sim so we probably won't be leaving here until after 4:00, and then it takes about 6 hours without stopping, so with Ryan I'm assuming it'll take about 8 hours.

We went for a walk today along the flight line. Ryan enjoyed it...and the Gogurt that I was feeding him

Eating a pretzel. He was distracted by Daddy.

Staring at Dad.

My handsome boys all dressed for church.

Ryan and I.

When we were walking along the flight line an Osprey was landing. Pretty AWESOME!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Two for one

I am probably biased, but I think that Ryan is the cutest ever!! He has recently started laughing (which I LOVE). Andrew is much better at getting him to laugh...I took some video of his skills. Also we play this game with Ryan where he covers his face with his blanket and then we say "where's Ryan?". He takes the blanket off his face and then does it must be the Baby Plus that I used when I was pregnant...he's a genius!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

More jumping

Since the last post of Ryan jumping, he has definitely gotten the hang of it. Here is he eating some of Grandma's beef jerky and hopping away.

Friday foto: Chicago

For Christmas in 2005 we went to Chicago to visit my Grandpa and met up with my parents and Andy. I am so thankful that we were able to go spend time with family because the following year we found out that we were going to be stationed in England and it would definitely wouldn't be as easy to get together. Now that my Grandpa is getting older, I'm so glad that I have so many fond memories of him.

I believe that we're on the Sears Tower. I have to say that I am jealous that Andrew doesn't seem to age...ever. I found his High School i.d. card and he looks the exact same. NOT FAIR!

Us in front of the "bean" in downtown Chicago.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Growing up

Last weekend we got a membership to Sam's Club. There was a $15 coupon in the local newspaper if you opened a new account, so we figured that we might as well do it. As we were walking out Andrew said, "It feels like we're so grown-up...we're Sams club members." It's funny how the small things in life sometimes hit you the hardest.

This week has been a pretty good week so far. One of Andrew's classmates is letting us borrow a car while his wife is out of town which is really nice so that I can go explore the town. Also Andrew does a great job at making sure that I get out of the trailer, even if it is just to go on a walk around the trailer park.
Yesterday I hung out with some ladies from the ward-which was a lot of fun. Though I am discovering that when you hang out with a bunch of moms, you're going to end up talking about your kids.

Here are some picture of Ryan from this week

From the samples that they handed out at Costco while I was visiting my parents, I discovered that Ryan is a big fan of Gogurt. After Andrew grilled me on how much sugar was in it, he let Ryan have some.

I love his smile!

For his 6 month birthday celebration he got this horse from Aunt Nikki and Uncle Andy

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wilmington & the beach

One good thing that I'm noticing about living in a small space is that we going out and exploring. Today we went back to Wilmington to check out their farmers market (it was kind-of disappointing) and the beach.

Wilmington has a nice riverfront that you are able to walk down, plus they were having a triathlon today so it was fun to cheer on the athletes.

another picture of the Battleship NC; the boys; family picture; on the riverwalk

After the farmers market we took Ryan to his first beach outing. I think that we enjoyed it way more than he did!

Ryan's footprints in the sand

I'm not sure that he knew what to think of the sand. I wanted to dip his feet in the water but Andrew wouldn't let me.

The waves were actually big enough that they were having a surf competition. I look forward to when we can take Ryan to the beach and he can actually enjoy it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Battleship North Carolina

Happy Veterans Day! We started the day off by taking some family pictures next to an Osprey. We should get them sometime next week...hopefully we're all looking at the camera!

In honor of Veterans Day, Applebee's was giving a free meal to all veterans. We knew that it would be pretty busy here in Jacksonville, so we decided to go to another town about 45 miles away that we figured we'd have better luck since it wasn't a military town (sounds crazy just to get a free meal right?). On the way we saw a billboard for the Battleship North Carolina ( and we decided to stop and check it out. For anyone that knows us probably is impressed that we actually stopped to see something that we had to pay to go into. I mean, we are the couple who went to Paris and didn't stop by a single museum.

The view of Wilmington from the deck.

The boys in the enlisted berthing area (sleeping quarters)

Me hanging from a hook that they hung the meat on in the butchers area. I tried playing dead but then got the giggles.

handsome sailors

On deck. It was amazing how big the guns are.

G.I. Joe

After we toured the ship we went to Applebee's to get our free meal and saw the line out the door. The wait was over an hour, so we decided to go somewhere else (they're hopefully fixing our water tomorrow so I won't have an excuse not to cook, so I've definitely been taking advantage).

I've talked before about how "interesting" it is going out to eat with he was drinking some of Andrew's water.