Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Backyard fun

Last year we spent A LOT of money re-sodding our backyard.  Like a lot.  While it was painful at the time...I am so glad that we did.  We've spent a lot of time in our yard this week and it's been nice for me to let Ryan be in the back without having to worry about him stepping in thorns.  It definitely was money well spent.
Playing in the water table

I went in side to make lunch and found him like this...I guess it's easier on his back than having to bend over the table.

This week I even took a picture of the ever elusive "daddy".  We are so glad that he's home!

I just think it's really cute that he's wearing a hat.

he looks so grown up!

Watering our brown patch of grass...not really sure what's up with that.

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