Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tribute to my Mom day 3

My mom does not like sugar. In fact she eats so little sugar that she has ZERO cavities. Granted she does love dark chocolate, but growing up she was pretty strict on our sugar intake. We didn't eat ketchup because all of the sugar, and we never had normal cereal, she would make us granola.

We always laugh about the decorating job that she did on our birthday cakes...I guess that I should just be glad that we got cakes.

Here you can plainly see that only the top is iced.

Here there is no icing except for the decorations...maybe she thought if she made it pretty enough I wouldn't notice (I think you can tell by my face that I did).

I think that when the icing is so thin that you can see right through it, you should put more on.

Once again, the sides devoid of icing.

Now that I have a kid of my own I realize why she would not want us to have so much sugar, but I think with Ryan I'll ice the sides of his cake!!

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