Friday, June 28, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
That same weekend Roo was gone the Rodeo came to town and I decided to take Ryan. He was mostly impressed by the nachos and I was surprised how much I liked it. I definitely would have liked to stay for the whole thing but I figured people were probably getting distracted by his running across the bleachers.
Another video of his awesome dance moves.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Bad weather and a parade
It seems like we've been getting a lot of crazy storms this month. Sadly most of the time we don't get any of the rain and just get all of the wind which blows dirt everywhere. One day there was a tornado watch so Roo thought it would be a good idea to take Ryan and keep an eye out for us.
Just cheesing for the camera. I think his haircut makes him look so much older!
A couple of weekends ago while Roo was away for work suffering in Florida there was a parade in town to celebrate the rodeo. It was actually a lot better than I anticipated.
The view of our main street.
I think Ryan's favorite part was the fire truck.
His loot from the parade. It was probably the only parade I've ever been to where there was still candy left on the street when it was over...maybe the kids are pickier here.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Riding the log ride with Daddy.
They survived! I heard them come down and I couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying...but thankfully he was laughing.
Ryan really enjoyed this helicopter ride.
He couldn't figure out that you had to pull the bar towards you to make the helicopter go up so Roo helped him out.

I figured I'd get into the action was better than standing in the sun.
Riding the boats.
Enjoying the Ferris wheel.
The view of the park from the top.
Ryan wasn't too sure about getting on the lift but he had fun.
It definitely it not as relaxing riding it with a toddler--I tried to hold onto him and he'd tell me not to touch him. Thankfully he was good and just sat there.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
The Big Texan
Last weekend we went to Amarillo to take advantage of Roos' truck getting a free oil change and maintenance at the dealer where he bought it. The dealership provided a shuttle so we had them take us to the Big Texan so we could check it out. We've been meaning to go there but every time we're in Amarillo we end up going to Olive Garden...because it's delicious. At the Big Texan you get a free 72 oz steak if you can eat it in one hour, complete with sides. Needless to say we didn't even try but it was fun trying to watch people finish it.
Ryan posing before our meal.
He thought this cow was pretty awesome.
After I bought a fudge covered chili pepper. It was pretty spicy so I only managed one bite, and sadly it didn't fair too well being left in a hot car all day.
Here is someone attempting the you can see it's a pretty massive steak. We did see one person finish it, and also an Asian guy give up about 30 minutes into it.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Easter eggs in May
Here's a picture of my belly at 25 weeks. I said that I was going to start taking weekly pictures each Sunday (because that's the day that I'm most likely presentable) but lately I've been forgetting. Here is one that I took the other week before we went to a friends BBQ, i.e., an excuse to get out of workout clothes.
Friday was Roo's birthday and we celebrated by dyeing eggs...yay! I'm sure you know by now Ryan always finds random videos on Youtube and lately he's been into watching ones on dyeing eggs. I bought a kit (yes, I fell into that marketing trap) before Easter and finally had the chance to bust it out. Overall I think he really enjoyed it. I guess this is living the wild life once you have kids.
Daddy drawing cool designs on it.
So happy!
It even came with stickers to put on...the first truck ones were his favorite.
Proof that I actually do this stuff too.
Ryan proud of the eggs that he peeled.
Most of it was left in the shell...but he's trying.
To celebrate Roo's birthday we had some apple pie. I wish I could say it was homemade, but I figure Marie Calendar's does a better job than I could. We had to perform surgery on it because putting candles in it right out of the oven isn't such a good idea you can see from our melted candles.
Ryan loves blowing out candles. This time we made him work for the opportunity by having to since to Roo. I'm not quite sure what all the jumping was about. Or why he was just in his underwear.
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