Wednesday, December 30, 2015

One of these days I'll get caught up and post the blog in real time--but until then, here are some pictures of what we've been up to these past few weeks.

One nice thing about living in Florida is that is still warm enough for the kids to go outside and play.  I've been trying to get them outside as much as possible, because lets face it--they fight.  I've found a little bit of fresh air is good for them!

Ty has started taking his arms out of his outfits

We went to a couple of Christmas Parades--and the kids got so much candy!!  We ended up leaving part way thru because some of the parades here are so long!

One day when I got out of the bathroom I couldn't find the kids...and then I found them with a bowl of candies I made (you can see if between them) hiding.  Stinkers!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Disneyworld days 3 & 4

The last 2 days we went to Disney were my favorite...we went to I think Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom.  One day we even went back after dinner so that we could see the parade and the fireworks (you know how much Roo likes fireworks).  These 2 parks seemed more geared towards little kids so I was able to do more things with Ty. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Disneyworld day 2

I forget the order the went to the parks...but everyday was about the same.  Get to the park right when it opens, ride some rides, sight see, wait in line, eat ice cream.  Wait in more lines.  Repeat.  Even though the days were long the whole trip went by too quickly!

Disneyworld day 1

For Thanksgiving we met up with some of Roos family in Orlando to go to Disneyworld. The kids had a blast!  Ryan and I ended up having bronchitis while we were there but he was such a good sport about it and still had a good time.  I think his favorite part of the trip was hanging out with his definitely wasn't going on rollercoasters!

As long as the ride was slow and didn't get dark...Ryan liked it.

We tried to do a few 3D things...Ty definitely wasn't digging it.  We'd go outside and eat ice cream instead when everyone else was watching.

There weren't too many things the first day that Ty was tall enough to do but thankfully Disney is full of plenty of places to explore!