Monday, July 30, 2012

Promotion Ceremony

The main reason that we came up to Colorado was to see Sean take command of a Squadron at the Air Force Academy (getting to see everyone was an added bonus).  We are so proud of Sean and are so glad that we could be there for his big day.
Family shot.

Roo and James

Dave and Tara.  They're so in love...can't you tell?

Ry Ry with Cara.  She's only a few weeks younger than him.  They had a lot of fun playing together.

Ryan giving her a hug.

Holding hands.  So cute!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some Colorado fun

We are in Colorado for the weekend for some fun family time!  Here are some pictures from the festivities so far.
We took a nice walk around the lake.  Of course Ryan didn't want to walk (he prefers to be carried).  He rode in the stroller for a few seconds before crying to be carried.

Family picture

While we were here we took some family pictures.  Each family chose a color to be...we obviously were white.  Here are just some pictures we took with my camera...we should get the professional ones in a couple of months.

Mr. GQ.  Though looking at this picture I realize that we should have put him in a smaller shirt (this was all Wal-Mart had).

So handsome!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So I totally jinxed myself the other day about bragging how Ryan stays in his room during nap/bed time.  He doesn't.  Thankfully we got a child proof knob which he hasn't quite figured out yet.  The other day (before we bought the knob) he came out of his room and said that he wanted to sleep on the couch.  That didn't last too long.
You can see a piece of him.

2 minutes into it he started playing with the pillows

Such a stinker!

After a failed nap attempt we went on a bike ride.  Right before we left Roo noticed that he had a flat tire.  Thankfully he had a spare tube (and a big helper) to change it.

Fixing Daddy's bike.  Unfortunately the other tire went flat on our way back.  

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I had to scrounge around both of our phones to find pictures of Ryan...I'll try to do a better job next week!

Ryan trying out his helmet and bike before we bought it.  And yes, even today it still has the price tag on it.

Enjoying daddy's shake at Bahama of the few places we'll miss when we move.

What a difference two years make.  I'm still not sure why Roo was taking pictures in church.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big boy bed

We bought Ryan a toddler bed last week.  I wasn't really in a hurry to put him in it because some days he doesn't nap but I still would put him in his crib because that's my time to do play words with friends do homework (I'm sure most parents do that right?).  The first night we put him in it and we were shocked that he stayed in it (we're super lucky I know!).  He did roll out of it once during the night but he hasn't since then.  He even takes naps in it now.  Half of the time I'll find him asleep on the floor but I'm really surprised at how quickly he adjusted to it.  My baby's all grown up!

As you can see he sleeps down on the end.  No wonder he ends up on the floor.

He had CRAZY hair this morning...he's sick though so I let him roll with it.

...I wonder when we'll cut it.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Brag of the day

I just wanted to acknowledge that this guy totally fixed our garbage disposal...even the wiring.  Total stud.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


OK--maybe airshow isn't the correct title for this post. It was more of an airplane display.  It had airplanes so you know Roo was down...and it had free food, so you know I was.

Ryan actually kept his hat on for about 15 minutes...which was 14.5 minutes longer than I expected him to.

Looking at the airplanes with daddy.

They had a bouncy castle which Ryan really liked!

You could pay to go up in a little plane, so me and some girlfriends did.  PS--that's our pilot in the back.

Totally could be models!

I'm ready for my flight.  Over and out.

Our huge airport

Which services our huge town...

Our neighborhood.  I won't point out which house it is because there might be some creepers out there (thanks a lot Mom for making me paranoid!)

Another shot of our town.  This flight made me realize how we really are in the middle of nowhere.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Some IPad fun

We have an app on our IPad called Photobooth that Ryan gets a kick out of you can tell.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

One Garbage Truck. IPad

...I hear this about 50 100 times a day

Monday, July 9, 2012

6th of July

Our towns 4th of July fireworks were cancelled due to a thunderstorm so they rescheduled them for Friday.  We had a lot of fun...and the fireworks were pretty impressive considering where we live.

 I just think Ryan looks super cute in his helmet.

 We bought Ryan a seat for the bike.  The first time using it we had to manhandle him to strap him in.  I'm sure all of our neighbors were wondering what we were doing by the sounds of him screaming.

 Thankfully now he enjoys it and only cries when Roo moves his hands to shift, brake, or turn.  No big deal.

 Playing with Daddy by the water.

 Bribing him to kiss me for some swedish fish.  A Mom has to do what a mom has to do.

 Not quite sure what was going on with my hands...I think I was in the process of doing whatever Texas Tech people do.  Google it.

 The ladies.  The girl in the middle just had a baby like 2 weeks ago.  Hate her.

 Ryan kind-of freaked out when the fireworks started.

 He finally calmed down.

Our awesome firework show.  Don't be jealous.